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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Prominent Lawyer Fatally Shot in Ambush

South of Guatemala City, Guatemala, a violent attack resulted in the death of José Domingo, a lawyer known for his work defending the rights of Indigenous groups and agricultural laborers. 

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Domingo, along with two members of the United Farmworkers Committee, was targeted and shot by an unidentified group of men. Daniel Pascual, a leader of the organization, reported the incident.

Domingo’s primary focus was on the legalization of land titles for underprivileged communities. This work is vital in rural Guatemala, which grapples with widespread land ownership problems and illegal evictions of Indigenous groups. Pascual stressed the severity of the assault, stating, “It was an ambush. The crime was planned and premeditated. Common criminals don’t act that way.” This statement underscores the attack’s targeted nature, hinting at underlying political motivations.

The two farmworkers who were with Domingo during the attack were also injured, one critically. This incident highlights the perilous environment for those advocating for land rights in Guatemala. Pascual recognized Domingo’s invaluable contribution to helping farmworkers defend against evictions and secure land titles. “We can’t separate this attack from politics because the two men who were with him are committee members,” Pascual added.

Domingo’s death significantly impacts the work of human rights advocates in Guatemala, a country where land disputes have deep historical foundations and ongoing violence. The United Nations Human Rights Office emphasizes the importance of a swift and impartial investigation into the assault. The Council of the Wuxhtaj Peoples also denounced the murder, hailing Domingo as a defender of Mother Earth and a member of the Popti or Jakalteko people.

Land rights disputes in Guatemala often escalate to violence, making the country one of the most dangerous places for environmental and human rights defenders. In recent years, many activists have experienced threats, harassment, and violent attacks. Like Domingo, these defenders are committed to safeguarding their communities’ rights against political and economic interests that exploit the land.

The battle for land rights traces back to a long-standing historical conflict. Since the Spanish arrival in the 16th century, Indigenous populations have been systematically dispossessed of their lands. The 1996 peace agreement that concluded Guatemala’s 36-year civil war pledged land redistribution, but progress has been slow and met with resistance from influential landowners.

Global human rights organizations have called for increased international focus on the crisis in Guatemala. These organizations stress the need for support to stop evictions and violence against land defenders, secure justice for those prosecuted for defending human rights, and halt large-scale agribusiness projects within Indigenous territories.

The murder of José Domingo underscores the hazards faced by those who advocate for justice in Guatemala. His dedication to defending vulnerable communities against powerful adversaries highlights the pressing need for protection and support for human rights defenders in the region.

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