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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Actor Gerard Butler Sacrificed His Face for a Film Scene

Actor Gerard Butler was a guest on NBC’s “Late Night.” He told host and comedian Seth Meyers the story about how he accidentally rubbed his face with phosphoric acid while filming a scene from his new action film “Plane.”

The Scottish actor is promoting his new movie. He laughed about how skilled he is in injuring himself no matter what he does.

Butler explained to Seth Meyers that while doing a scene where he was running diagnostics on a plane, he accidentally burned himself with phosphoric acid. 

Why the phosphoric acid was there on the set is another story.

Butler said that in the scene, he was sticking his hand between some wheels, pretending to know what he was doing.

The 53-year-old actor explained that when he took his hands off the wheels, his hands were covered in blood and a green substance. He had no idea what the substance was.

It was a hot day on the set, located in Puerto Rico, and Butler was sweating profusely. 

He tried to wipe the sweat off his face, and that’s when he noticed the green substance and subsequent burning in his throat, mouth, nose, and eyes. It turned out he had covered his face with phosphoric acid and that was what was burning him.

He told Meyers that there were pilots on the set consulting the director, and they were screaming at him to stop. There was some chaos because no one knew how to treat acid burns.

The CDC says to immediately flush the burned area with water. Maybe someone Googled it.

Butler, who can now laugh about the incident, said that his face was burning for hours, but it was great for the scene.

“Plane” is a film about a pilot who lands in hostile territory. It was released on January 13.

Meyers, known for his sardonic jokes, said, “There were probably 10 people there making sure nobody gave each other COVID and not one person keeping you from putting acid on your face.”

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